I started listening to metal during primary school, i believe at 13-14 years old. I was at a boarding school and was not allowed to bring any cassettes (during the late 80's early 90's) or radio, and was not even allowed TV. Well of course we rebel and bought the most heavy stuff to school.On the trip for our weekly Jumaat prayers we will slip cassettes to the bus driver and headbang all the way to the mosque. I must say a lot of new bands I discover from those bus rides and I myself introduce bands to my fellow students this way. The first piece metal music I heard, and the main favourite of ours Metallica's Master of Puppets!! We really dug the music and sing a long during the chorus, my favourite part was the clean appregiated part and James's solo (I learn this later on). This experience on the bus trips,started my Thrash madness. I use a lot of my allowance to buy new cassettes among others ..... and justice for all, rust in peace, keepers of the seven keys,better of dead etc.
I was a true metalhead all the way until now, though I am guilty of buying an album with a certain naked baby in the pool early '92, when nobody even heard it, and introducing to friends. I think after 2 years especially during college the Nirvana and Grunge crazed started. Everyone was wearing those Kurt Cobain T shirts.Me included, and i learn guitar to the unplugged album.
Well I wanna share my favourite metal album and these are some.
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